Lisa was 34 years old when she realized that she had a problem.
Lisa had been a competitive, nationally ranked track and road cyclist; from her mid-teens and into her late twenties. However a repeated stress fracture in her foot that resulted from a car failing to yield at a stop during an important race meant an end of her racing career. The fracture should have completely repaired within 6 weeks but problem was that this stress fracture never seemed to heal correctly. The fracture just kept coming back every time she started to train again.
Lisa was very serious about her cycling. She trained constantly and was determined to put more miles in the saddle than any of her competitors. Lisa ate only the best quality food, but according to her friends, she was totally obsessive about it and never wanted to eat too much, just in case it caused her to carry more body weight on the bike. Lisa believed in a strategy of trying to eliminate all fat from her diet and focused on very lean meat and generally ate complex carbs, excluding flour and bread. Naturally, she totally avoided dairy products because of their fat content. Lisa was obsessive about her training and her food.
Lisa didn't realize back then that her diet and heavy training load were reducing her body fat to levels so low that her body stops producing its monthly menstrual cycles. This change in hormonal balance, while not dangerous, is not intended for prolonged periods of time. The condition is called athletic amenorrhoea, and the hormonal changes are similar to menopause. The bones start to lose calcium, and the body starts to prematurely age. For Lisa, she was constantly in athletic amenorrhoea, which lasted for several months of the year, over many years of her cycling.
Unknown to her at the time, this was the real reason why Lisa had so much trouble recovering from the stress fracture in her foot, and why it would never seemed to heal properly.
After she gave up cycling, her athletic amenorrhoea went away, she added enough body fat to be considered healthy again, and then she resumed her regular monthly cycles, but unfortunately, a lot of damage had already been done. After her son was born in her early 30s, her family doctor wanted her to take a DEXA scan (DEXA is a scan of her bone density), and she found out that at 34 years old, she now had the bone density of a 60-year-old.
Her doctor put her on a diet, exercise, and prescription medicine regimen that would help preserve her bone and start to rebuild her bone mineral density again. As we all progressively lose bone mineral density with age, Lisa was facing a major disadvantage to her future health.
Throughout her twenties, Lisa had totally avoided dairy and missed out on a valuable source of calcium. Additionally, she avoided most fish like sardines, mackerel, and salmon, which are also useful sources of calcium. Still, she thought they were too high in oil, so she avoided them too. Unfortunately, low-fat / high-protein sports bars became her primary source of calories due to their convivence for eating while on her bike. Basically, her diet lacked essential nutrition.
Lisa's case may seem extreme, and few of us would make that level of physical sacrifice for our sport, but you might be surprised by how many people are battling against poor bone health and reduced bone mineral density in middle age. For many of us who did not accumulate calcium before we turned 20 years old, the need to preserve and rebuild our bone density is now a very real concern.
We might not all need prescription medicine, but lifestyle and dietary changes are critical if we want to improve both health.
If you can manage to get to a gym, then start with resistance training. Resistant training is one of the most effective ways to improve bone strength. Light weights are first, and focus on leg exercises. A weighted vest on a treadmill is also a great idea. If you don't have gym access, find a stairway in your area that you can climb.
We have three important, clinically proven ingredients that will rebuild bone and improve bone mineral density;
FREZZOR Vitamins D3 & K2
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7 [MK-7]) are the most bioavailable and bioactive forms of these vitamins. Without adequate Vitamin D3 and K2, there is a high risk that the calcium you consume from your diet will NOT be deposited in your bone. Instead, calcium gets deposited in the soft tissues lining the blood vessels lining, leading to arterial calcification. Both vitaminsD3 & K2 need to work together to ensure that calcium is locked into the bone mass where it is required. In 2012 researchers discovered that simply taking a plain, calcium only supplement (intended to improve bone density) did not improve bone mineral density but instead led to an increase in cardiovascular events. Later research would confirm the role of vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 would play in the absorption of calcium into our bone and skeleton. Click here to learn more about this product.

FREZZOR Calcium Plus
We need a high quality source of calcium and the related co-factors, to ensure proper absorption. This product contains a high-quality marine calcium from sustainable and wild-caught New Zealand fish bone. The marine calcium uniquely promotes increased bone mineral density with an optimal ratio of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, collagen, and selenium, which closely matches that of human bone to ensure all the essential building blocks for bone rebuilding are present. The marine calcium in this product is a specialized form of calcium called MCHC (Calcium Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite),which has been clinically proven to build new bone and stimulate new bone cells called osteoblasts. Click here to learn more about this product.
FREZZOR Omega-3 Black
New Zealand, green-lipped mussel oil has been extensively studied for its anti-inflammatory effect, making it an ideal product for those with joint pain; however, in 2021, a research team from Massey University, New Zealand, concluded that green-lipped mussel oil has a positive effect on bone "remodeling" This means that green-lipped mussel oil significantly reduces the proliferation and abundance of certain types of bone cells called osteoclasts' which are intended to break down bone. They were able to slow down the production of osteoclasts with green-lipped mussel oil so that these bone cells, called osteoblasts, can rebuild new bone. This slowing of the breakdown and resorption of bone effectively preserves one's bone structure intact. Click here to learn more about this product.