Ever Worried That The Meal You Are Eating Could Be Doing Massive Damage To Your Arteries And Heart?
Your Guide to Better Health by Reducing Inflammation
- At FREZZOR, we are a nutrition company focused on managing inflammation and limiting the damage caused by chronic, low-grade inflammation within the body. Today we have a simple solution you can do at home, which we want to share.

Download The Spice Recipe For Free
Want A FREE Copy Of A Clinically-Proven
Recipe to Block Inflammation?
– Your Guide to Better Health by Reducing Inflammation

First, did you know that foods high in saturated fat or highly processed vegetable oils combined with sugar or refined starches generate significant inflammation, which is doing all the damage?
But We Can Fix That…
In 2020 research team from Pennsylvania State University published an article in the Journal of Nutrition with the results from a randomized clinical trial that investigated a simple spice blend that blocks inflammation after a high fat / high carbohydrate meal.
This clinically proven DIY spice blend is easy to prepare, but you won’t see it sold in health stores because the spices can all be purchased easily from your supermarket, and health food companies don’t make any profit from that.
"reduced inflammation by 1314% for up to 4 hours"
But as a company dedicated to helping people control inflammation, we think this was too important to leave the recipe sitting in a science journal, so we want to share with you the recipe the researchers used.
This spice blend was so effective that it reduced inflammation by 1314% for up to 4 hours after eating a meal high in fat and carbs, thereby ensuring that the delicate lining of the blood vessels remained flexible and fully functional, most importantly, undamaged.
This simple splice blend is easy to prepare at home, and then you, too, can experience similar results to those found in the clinical study.
If you are male and overweight, the results will be even more significant.
Download The Spice Recipe For Free
1. Vogel RA, Corretti MC, Plotnick GD. Effect of a single high-fat meal on endothelial function in healthy subjects. Am J Cardiol. 1997 Feb 1;79(3):350-4.